print("Enjoy this awesome dog themed quiz! Please answer in all lowercase and don't type out numbers (e.x: Instead of six, 6)")

#Define lists of questions, answers and point values
questions = ["Practice Question: What color is a golden retriever?)", "Do dogs sweat?", "(True or false) Some dogs have such a good sense of smell they can smell some medical conditions", "Dogs have the same intelligence as a __ year old human", "(True or false) Do dogs have super sensitive ears?", "How many muscles do dogs have in their ears?"]
answers = ["gold", "no", "true", "2", "true", "18"]
pointValues = [0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5]

#Set some variables
indexCounter = 0
points = 0

#Loop through all questions
for question in questions:
    print("For ", pointValues[indexCounter], " point(s): " + question)
    guess = str(input())

    #If guess is correct, tell the user and give a point, otherwise tell the user the correct answer
    if(guess == answers[indexCounter]):
        print("Correct! You guessed " + guess + " for " + str(pointValues[indexCounter]) + " point(s), and that is correct! You now have " + str(points) + " point(s)")
        print("Incorrect. You guessed " + guess + " for " + str(pointValues[indexCounter]) + " point(s), but the correct answer was " + answers[indexCounter] + ". You still have " + str(points) + " point(s)")


print("Thanks for playing my quiz! You got " + str(points) + " point(s)")
Enjoy this awesome dog themed quiz! Please answer in all lowercase and don't type out numbers (e.x: Instead of six, 6)
For  0  point(s): Practice Question: What color is a golden retriever?)
Correct! You guessed gold for 0 point(s), and that is correct! You now have 0 point(s)
For  1  point(s): Do dogs sweat?
Incorrect. You guessed yes for 1 point(s), but the correct answer was no. You still have 0 point(s)
For  1  point(s): (True or false) Some dogs have such a good sense of smell they can smell some medical conditions
Incorrect. You guessed false for 1 point(s), but the correct answer was true. You still have 0 point(s)
For  2  point(s): Dogs have the same intelligence as a __ year old human
Correct! You guessed 2 for 2 point(s), and that is correct! You now have 2 point(s)
For  3  point(s): (True or false) Do dogs have super sensitive ears?
Incorrect. You guessed yes for 3 point(s), but the correct answer was true. You still have 2 point(s)
For  5  point(s): How many muscles do dogs have in their ears?
Incorrect. You guessed 9 for 5 point(s), but the correct answer was 18. You still have 2 point(s)
Thanks for playing my quiz! You got 2 point(s)

This is my dog Ollie: