def makeCraftingGrid(name, A1, A2, A3, B1, B2, B3, C1, C2, C3):
    grid = [name, A1, A2, A3, B1, B2, B3, C1, C2, C3]
    return grid

#Define Some Recipes
pickaxe = makeCraftingGrid("pickaxe", "wood", "wood", "wood", "    ", "stick", "    ", "    ", "stick", "    ")
sword = makeCraftingGrid("sword", "    ", "wood", "    ", "    ", "wood", "    ", "    ", "stick", "    ")
craftingTable = makeCraftingGrid("crafting table", "    ", "    ", "    ", "    ", "Wood", "Wood", "    ", "Wood", "Wood")

#This method returns a string for I can print the arrays in a nicer fashion more reminiscent of the game
def printCraftingGrid(grid):
    gridString = "Recipe for a " + grid[0] + ": \n" + grid[1] + " " + grid[2] + " " + grid[3] + "\n" + grid[4] + " " + grid[5] + " " + grid[6] + "\n" + grid[7] + " " + grid[8] + " " + grid[9]    
    return gridString

#Define a dict of the recipe gridStrings
recipeDict = {
    "pickaxe": printCraftingGrid(pickaxe),
    "sword": printCraftingGrid(sword),
    "crafting table": printCraftingGrid(craftingTable)

#Loop until told to stop
run = True

    print("What recipe do you want to see? Type stop to stop the program. All lowercase please.")
    recipeInput = input()

    if(recipeInput != "stop"):
        print("Stopping program...")
        run = False

What recipe do you want to see? Type stop to stop the program. All lowercase please.
Recipe for a sword: 
What recipe do you want to see? Type stop to stop the program. All lowercase please.
Recipe for a pickaxe: 
wood wood wood
What recipe do you want to see? Type stop to stop the program. All lowercase please.
Recipe for a crafting table: 
     Wood Wood
     Wood Wood
What recipe do you want to see? Type stop to stop the program. All lowercase please.
Stopping program...

Applying this to store other personal data and loop through it

dataDict = {
    "First Name":"Colin",
    "Last Name":"Weis",  
    "Name of Dog":"Ollie",  
    "Favorite Restaurant":"Rubios",  
    "City of Residence":"San Diego",  

for key in dataDict:
    print(key + ": " + dataDict[key])
First Name: Colin
Last Name: Weis
Name of Dog: Ollie
Favorite Restaurant: Rubios
School: DNHS
City of Residence: San Diego