Video Vocabulary/Notes/Big Ideas

  • Circumstances of life don't matter as much as we think
  • Our happiness is not bound by our circumstances
  • Taking control of our life is hard
  • Important things to make time for:
  • Social connections
  • Gratitude
  • Helping others
  • These things are very important and matter a lot
  • We need to take time to live in the present
  • In order to do that we have to become 'wealthy' with time

Note of Gratitude

I am very grateful for my parents. They have always been very loving and supported me for longer than I can remember. They have always provided for me and I am very grateful for that.

Gratitude List

Here is some of the things I am grateful

  • My parents
  • We live in a safe place where I can not worry about food or safety
  • I am able to go to a very good school
  • I have a secure future because of all of these things