Girls in CS

  • Incoruage young women to get involved in Computer Science
  • Most recently Create digital cybersecurity lessons with PUSD


  • Colon Seto
  • Class of 2020
  • Going into 3rd year at UCSD, Mecahnical Engineeirng
  • CSP paved the way for MatLab and Agile methodology

  • Studying computer science
  • Helped prepare for major

  • Mable
  • Congative Science at UCSD
  • Switched into a CS ajacent major
  • CS helped in both CS and congative science

  • Jason
  • CS and mechanics major at UCI
  • Had to use skills from CS at DNHS to help in major
  • Well-prepared for intro or even harder classes

College Applications

Selecting Colleges

  • Is it a lottery like at UCSD
  • Transferring from community college is an option
  • Lots of applications increases your chances as many are random
  • UCs allow you to save money vs private schools
  • Swithcing majors is an option but may be hard at some schools like UCSD
  • Niche majors are good and less competitive, like data science or machine learning
  • Apply where professors you like are
  • Most schools are similar in ciriculum

Important activites for applications

  • Work experience like at code ninjas
  • Project based learning
  • Leadership an creating impact
  • In interviews you can get more specific


  • Spend time making projects
  • Use projects to land internships or jobs
  • If you want to go into coding it’s very important to build projects to showcase
  • It’s one things to know how to use tools but it is better to have somthing tanjible
  • Keep repositroies orgnized to use later
  • Find a company you want to work at and redesign/improve their stuff. You can also just do a mockup
  • Follow the path of least resistance, work on somthing you enjoy
  • Leet-code pratice
  • Leet-code is one of the best ways to get a job

Personal projects

  • Be exposed to linux and powershell
  • Vercl and selkit(similar to react) are very powerful tools
  • Have a personal website and it can be used as a resume
  • Use other tools for styling, not just css
  • Your tools give you a big advantage
