Our Stories

  • Ashley

    • Works in a quantum computing group

    • Loves physics

    • Never let failures define you

    • CalState San Marcos was the perfect place to learn through failure

  • John

    • From Escendido

    • Went to Palomar for 3 years

    • Tranfered to CalState San Marcos during covid

    • Bacholers degree

Fun Facts

  • CSUSM was built on a poultry farm

  • It is the National leader in social mobility

  • Built in 1989 making it one of the newer cal states

  • Since CSUSM has more than 250 stairs


  • Life Sciences

    • Chemiistry

    • Biochem

    • Chemical education

  • B.S and minor in applied physics

  • Computer engineering(New major)

  • B.S and minor in mathematics

    • General

    • Education

    • Algorithm

    • Applied

  • B.S Eletircal engineering

  • B.S Biotechnology

CSTEM Departments

  • Physics

  • Chemistry and biochemistry

  • Biotechnology

  • Biological sciences

  • Math

  • Computer science

  • Software engineering


  • Cybersecurity

  • Robotics

  • 3D Printing

  • Women in STEM

  • Socitey of Women Engineers

  • Socitey of Physics students

  • National Society of Black Engineers


  • A period of work offered by an orginization

  • You can find them:

    • Joining clubs

    • Networking

    • Checking emails, depeartments often send opportunity

    • Go to campus events

    • Look up opportunities

  • Tips:

    • Avoid unpained internships

    • Apply even if you feel underqualifed

    • Ask faculty members for help on app.

    • Go to writing center on campus for help


  • Summer scholars program

    • 10 week summer prgram

    • Internsive research experience with enrichment activities

    • 6000-3000 dollar stipend

  • Quantom Bridge Program

    • 4-week program for admitted CSUSM students

Research at CSUSM

  • Terrestrail ecosystem lab

  • Alage

  • Summer jobs and research in physics

  • Dynamics in math

  • Quantum information sciences

  • Cancer cell research

  • Metorite/astrophysics

Paying for college

  • Grant vs scholarship

    • Scholar is is priviaty founded

    • Grants are from government

  • Generaly loans are not preferred unless needed

    • Subsidized loans do not accrue interest while you are in school at lease half-time or during deferment periods. Partially funded by goverment

    • Unsubzudized loans accrue interest while you are in school. You will end up paying a lot more

  • You have to pay your loans 6 months after graduating

Scholarships and grants

  • Check FAFSA

  • Check student emails

  • Google is your best freind

  • Finical aid access

Life after CSUM

  • Countinue onto graduate school and other professional programs

  • A carrer in biomed, environmental, chemical, and eletronics fields

  • Become an educator either in K-12 or higher ed.

  • A career in a variety of government agencies

Upcoming event at CSUSM

  • Cougar blue day

  • Saturday April 8th